Running the race of the narrow path

I am not giving up

I am not giving up.

I will continue

To strive for perfection,

To embrace holiness,

To achieve purity.

I will continue to believe in righteousness.



I strive for perfection and striving is what I do.

Pursuing after righteousness with sin as close as my shadow.

Sometimes I stop running and my shadow catches up too.

The extra weight hinders my progress, I become slow.

“Sin, please I need a break.

My legs are tired and my knees have begun to shake.”

The guilt and condemnation sits heavy on my head causing my shoulders to ache.

This crown of sin I don’t want but i just can’t seem to shake.

So I harlem shake off course.

Right there, I lost sight of my main focus.

Even though everything felt fine, I was at a loss.

Desperately searching for somewhere to dump this cross.



Cross? I remembered the cross

And He who paid it all.

The ultimate price was the shedding of His blood that went

Drip drop drip drippity drop.

He who knew no sin was made to become sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Therefore, I have been made right in God’s sight.

Bought and brought into the kingdom of light.

That memory should give us strength to fight.

So I become a freedom fighter, I fight for my freedom.

Freedom from the shackles of sin.

Guilt and condemnation cannot stand when my God comes into the scene.

Hallelujah you have won the victory and given me the win.

And this is my testimony yeah, I once was a slave to sin,

Once bound but now I’m free.



I am free to continue my race .

And I can’t even afford to trip on my shoe lace.

Can’t get distracted by the world calling my name.

Leaving in the dust behind me, every blame and shame.

So I run into obedience, slam into purity and dance with peace.

I grow and increase with divine ease.

With the Holy Spirit as my coach, I inch closer and closer.

And when the enemy comes again, do not be fooled, he will come again.

Here’s a tip you might find handy.

Tell him you have received sanctification through redemption.

Let him know you are saved by grace, renewed by the Spirit, redeemed by mercy and loved by the Almighty God.

And lastly, tell him gerrariahere mehn.

Now watch him run his race in the opposite direction.




                             ©  O.M



26 thoughts on “Running the race of the narrow path”

  1. I thank God on your behalf for what He has laid on your heart to tell His people. I pray that as you spread the Gospel, hearts will be changed, and all the glory will return to God Almighty. I pray for grace to continue in the faith and to never draw back in pursuit of the things of Christ’s in Jesus name, Amen.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Still one of my best till today mehn! Girl I love your expressions. This is what we are to do everyday as Christians, die to self and strive for perfection in Christ. If you fall, dust it off and get back up.
    “He who knew no sin was made to become sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” and we still take His grace and mercy for granted??? Nah, this end time generation has to stand for what is right, I mean light, the only true light. We can’t be complacent or lukewarm, enough is enough. Jesus didn’t win the victory for nothing. #DearChristianDoSomething.

    Liked by 1 person

      This really is the burden on my heart till today. No compromise, no complacency. JUST A DESIRE TO KNOW AND SEEK GOD AND MIRROR HIM. To truly be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. When I hear men describe the state of the world as hopeless and bleak. I look back and smile, because I know what they don’t. I know God is building, moulding and shaping young men and women who will birth His hope for the world and humanity. You my dear are one of them.” Rejoice not against me oh my enemy, because when I fall I shall surely rise up again.” Proud of you O.M.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am so glad for what God is doing and even more honoured to be able to partner with Him every day. Thank you for your time Kunle. Thank you for being a blessing to this generation. Surely we are rising up!


  4. I pray that God would continue to fill you with him and that you would be further embedded in his word, to enable you spread the gospel. Thanks for this you’re truly blessed. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Simply amazing.

    “Bought and brought into the kingdom of light.” That line yeah 🙌🏾🙌🏾 *finger clicks*

    We are bought by the blood and brought by His love. Wow🙌🏾
    I pray that for you that you will never be disconnected from your father above. This anointing on your life will never run dry rather, it will increase and overflow. God will continually send his word for his people through you. Continue to be blessed and be a blessed Ore. In Jesus name. Amen

    God bless you

    Liked by 3 people

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